Filter jobs near me


1. Allow your operators to find jobs located around them

Today, thanks to the home page shortcut on the ermeo mobile application, you can finally allow your operator to filter and select all the jobs located around them.

To learn more on how to configure this shortcut, please follow the steps down below:

2. How to use the functionality "Jobs near me"?

1-First create a GPS coordinates attribute.


2- Enter the value of the attribute created previously by filling both the latitude and longitude of the job's GPS coordinates.


3- Create a custom home page (article available here : Create custom home pages for your teams? then add the filtered element "List of Jobs".

4 - Finally, connect to the mobile application in order to select the distance of your choice by using the slider.

  • The unit of measurement can be modified (km/ miles) through your mobile application profile.
  • The slider maximum distance is 30 km.
  • The modification of the attribute value can be done while planifying the job, during the job or manually via the platform.