How to facilitate your preventive maintenance?


The use of paper forms can pose a barrier to exploiting data collected during your preventive maintenance. The Ermeo tool allows you to organize these maintenance rounds and collect data with ease.

With Ermeo, your field operator will have all the necessary information at their disposal to carry out their rounds with confidence. They can also report any anomalies encountered during these rounds.

1. What is a preventive maintenance round?

Preventive maintenance is carried out by a field operator according to predetermined criteria set by a supervisor. With Ermeo forms, you will be able to define these different criteria.

The objective of preventive maintenance is to reduce the likelihood of asset failure or the degradation of the service provided. It also aims to prevent equipment failures during use.

By facilitating the visualization of information on the Ermeo application and allowing your operator to easily report information, you will be able to reduce your equipment downtime and anticipate corrective actions.

2. How to implement preventive maintenance on Ermeo?

In this article, we will present the method to implement preventive maintenance rounds on Ermeo.

Our example: Imagine an operator having to perform the preventive maintenance round for all the pumps on a site.

Here are the steps the operator will take on Ermeo during their round:

  1. They will first select the site where they are located.
  2. They will then receive information about this site and their round. Next, the list of pumps on the selected site will be displayed.
  1. For each pump, they will carry out various inspections and can record data.
  1. If the operator detects an anomaly on the pump, they can report it. The anomaly will then be directly linked to the pump using the parent/child system.

3. List of steps to implement preventive maintenance rounds on Ermeo:

  1. Create a database of Sites to list all the sites where operators can intervene.
  2. Create a Pumps database to list all the pumps. Each pump will have a parent resource, which is the site where it is located.
  1. Create an Anomalies database to list all the anomalies reported on the pumps. Each anomaly will have a parent resource, which is the pump where the defect is located.
  1. Create the form allowing the operator to perform their maintenance rounds.
  2. 4.1 In the form, be able to load data concerning the intervention, the site, and the pumps on the site.

    4.2 Allow the operator to report anomalies on the inspected pumps.

Step 1: Create a Sites database to list the sites where operators can intervene.

In this step, you need to create a database to list all the sites. Each site will be described by the following attributes:

  • Client Contact (Text)
  • GPS Coordinates (GPS Coordinates)
  • Client Email (Email)
  • Client Name (Text)
  • Photo (Image)
  • Site Address (Text)
  • Site Agency (Text)
  • Site Access Instructions (Text)
  • Site Contact (Action)
  • Client Phone Number (Phone Number)

Ermeo allows you to create resources in bulk in a database using imports.

The import file used to create the sites in our example is attached to this article.

Your database will therefore consist of different sites.

Step 2: Create a Pumps database

In this step, we will create a new database named "Pumps." This database will be described by the following attributes:

  • Site/Location (Text)
  • GPS Coordinates (GPS Coordinates)
  • Commissioning Date (Date)
  • Serial Number (Number)
  • Photo (Image)
  • Pressure (Number)
  • Power (Number)
  • Status (Multiple Choice)
  • Type (Multiple Choice)
  • Parent Resource -> Each pump will have a parent resource. This resource will be the site where the pump is located.

The import file used to create the pumps in our example is attached.

Here is the result obtained:


Step 3: Create an Anomalies database

In this step, we will create a new database named "Anomalies." This database will be described by the following attributes:

  • Site/Location (Text)
  • GPS Coordinates (GPS Coordinates)
  • Corrective Action (Text)
  • Anomaly Creation Date (Date)
  • Handling Date (Date)
  • Urgency Level (Multiple Choice)
  • Anomaly Description (Long Text)
  • Identified by (Text)
  • In Service (Yes/No)
  • Anomaly Photo (Image)
  • Anomaly Status (Multiple Choice)
  • Anomaly Type (Multiple Choice)

Each reported anomaly will be described by a creation date, a description, a status, a photo, and a criticality.

Here is the result obtained:


Step 4: Create the form to recall all the pumps on a site and report anomalies

the created form will allow the operator to perform the following steps:

1. At the start of the intervention/before starting the intervention, the operator will select a resource which will be the main resource of the intervention. This resource will be the intervention site.

2. The operator will then receive information about this site and their intervention. Next, the list of pumps on the selected site will be displayed.

  1. For each pump, they will perform various inspections and record data.
  1. If the operator detects an anomaly on the pump, they can report it. The reported anomaly will automatically have as a parent the pump containing the anomaly and will be stored in the "Anomalies" database.

Step 4.1 Create the form and load the intervention information

  1. Create a new form and name it "Preventive Maintenance Round"
  2. image
  3. Before starting the intervention from the application, the operator will choose the site where they will intervene. This site will be present in the "Sites" database.
  4. image
  5. In the editing studio, drag and drop a Section block and name it "Intervention Information"
  6. Inside this block, drag and drop a Text block
  7. 4.1 In the default value of this Text block, place the tags First Name and Last Name of the user

    4.2 Drag and drop a Text block and link it to the Client Name database attribute

    4.3 Drag and drop a Coordinates block and link it to the Site Coordinates attribute

    4.4 Drag and drop a Text block and link it to the Site Contact attribute

    4.5 Drag and drop a Phone block and link it to the Phone Number attribute


Step 4.2 Load the pumps of the site

  1. Drag and drop an Auto Selection block outside the "Intervention Information" section
  2. 1.1 Name this block "Pump Verification." In the block parameters, choose Parent as asset_name.


1.2 Order by Number then choose the Pump Number attribute


2.1 Within the Auto Selection block, drag and drop a Date block. Link it to the Commissioning Date attribute.

2.2 Then drag and drop a Number block. Link it to the Pump Serial Number attribute.

2.3 Then drag and drop a Multiple Choice block. Link it to the Pump Status or Type attribute

2.4 Then drag and drop a Yes/No block. Link it to the "Is the equipment clean" attribute

  1. Within the Auto Selection block, drag and drop a Creation block. Select the "Anomalies" database in the Creation block parameters.
  1. Within the Creation block, drag and drop a Text block. Name this block "Reported Anomaly Description." Link this block to the "Anomaly Description" attribute.
  2. Within the Creation block, drag and drop a Date block. Name this block "Today's Date." Link this block to the "Anomaly Creation Date" attribute.
  3. 5.1. Check the "Today's Date" option. By default, today's date will be filled in.

  4. Still within the Creation block, drag and drop a Multiple Choice block. Name this block "Anomaly Status."
  5. 6.1 Link this block to the "Anomaly Status" attribute.

  6. Publish the form
  7. You can launch the form from the web app or from the mobile app.
  8. Choose the site where you want to work. Check the intervention information then select your pumps.
  1. Report your anomalies then complete the intervention. The reported anomaly is now visible in your Anomalies database! The parent of the anomaly is the pump where the anomaly is located.
  2. image

    It is also possible to customize the name of the created anomalies.

Conclusion: After creating anomalies, you can track the treatment of these anomalies and update them directly from the field using anomaly tracking.