How to facilitate the preparation of a receipt report


The use of paper forms represents an obstacle to the utilization of work completion reports.

If this certification is done on paper, it needs to be stored and archived meticulously to be easily retrievable when needed. This requires time and money.

Ermeo supports your field operators during project handovers with mobile solutions. The operator can access a list of all completion reports associated with a project or specific tasks.

Using the application, it is easy to declare reservations, describing them with photos or text. The field operator can also review previously declared reservations on their completion report. If non-conformities have been addressed, they can lift any existing reservations.

The application also allows various stakeholders to digitally sign documents. At the end of each operation, a copy of the completion report is automatically sent to all stakeholders.

1. How to Create a Completion Report?

On-site, the acceptance of work by the project owner is formalized through a completion report. This document allows for noting reservations if any non-conformities are found. While not mandatory, this document is highly recommended.

The completion report must be created in two identical copies and include the following information:

  • Names of involved representatives
  • Date and location of the completion report
  • If reservations are noted, they must be detailed

There are two scenarios following a completion report:

  • Acceptance of the work without reservations: The project or construction is accepted.
  • Acceptance of the work with reservations: Reservations must be addressed by the contractor. A timeframe for resolving these reservations may be specified.

The initial project specifications can be used to note reservations.

2. How to Implement a Completion Report on Ermeo?

Below, we will outline the steps to implement a completion report using Ermeo.

Example: Imagine an operator tasked with creating a completion report for a client, who is the project owner. The operator can note reservations if non-conformities are found.

The operator will follow these steps:

  1. First, select the project to access all relevant information.
  2. Indicate whether the acceptance is with or without reservations.
  3. 2.1 If there are reservations, describe them.

    2.2 If there are no reservations, have both parties (operator and client) sign the completion report.

  4. The operator can also review existing reservations. If these reservations are resolved, a confirmation of resolution can be signed.

Here is the list of steps to set up a completion report on Ermeo:

  1. Create a "Sites" database to list all projects where operators may create completion reports. Client names (or project managers) will be associated with each project.
  2. Create a "Project Anomalies" database. All reservations noted during completion report creation will be recorded in this database.
  3. Create the form for completing the completion report.

Step 1: Establish a Sites Database to list sites where operators may work

In this step, create a database listing all sites (referred to as Sites).

Each site will contain information about clients with whom the completion report will be prepared. Each site will be described by the following attributes:

  • Client Contact (Text)
  • GPS Coordinates (GPS Coordinates)
  • Client Email (Email)
  • Client Name (Text)
  • Photo (Image)
  • Site Address (Text)
  • Site Agency (Text)
  • Site Access Instructions (Text)
  • Site Contact (Action)
  • Client Phone Number (Phone Number)

Ermeo gives you the ability to create bulk resources in a database using imports.

The import file used to create the worksites of our example, is attached to this article.

Your database will therefore consist of different projects. Here is the final result in our case.


Step 2: Establish a Project Anomalies Database

In this step, create a new database called "Project Anomalies". This database will track all reservations. Reservations will be classified in this database and described by the following attributes:

  • Anomaly Creation Date (Date)
  • Urgency Level (Multiple Choice)
  • Anomaly Description (Long Text)
  • Identified by (Text)
  • Anomaly Photo (Image)
  • Anomaly Status (Multiple Choice)

Each noted reservation will be described with a creation date, description, status, photo, and severity.

Step 3: Create the form for completing the completion report

To reiterate, the form created will enable the operator to perform the following steps:

  1. The operator will first select the main resource for the operation, which is a site. This resource will be a project.
  2. The operator can note reservations. Noted reservations will automatically be linked to the project in which the operator is working. Reservations will be associated with a project.
  3. 2.1 If the reception is accepted with reservations, the reservations must be described

    2.2 If the reception is accepted without reservations, the reception report will be signed by the stakeholders.

  4. The intervener may also recall existing reservations. If these reservations are dealt with, a statement of withdrawal may be signed.

At the beginning of the form, the operator will select a resource as the main resource of the intervention. This resource will be a construction site.

Then he can declare reservations. The declared reserves will automatically relate to the site in which the operator is located. The reserves will be attached to a construction site.


The form will be structured as follows:

  1. Site Information
  2. Declaration of Reservations (if any), followed by signing of the completion report.
  3. Review of existing reservations and signing of the confirmation of reservation resolution if applicable.

Step 3.1: Form creation and loading of site information

  1. Create a new form and name it "Completion Report".
  1. In the editing studio, drag and drop a Section block and name it "General Site Information".
  2. Within this section, drag and drop a Text block. Name it "Client Contact" and link it to the "Client Contact" attribute in the Sites database.
  1. Inside the Section brick, drag and drop a Text brick and name the "Client Name".  Link this brick with the "Client Name" attribute of the Sites database.

Step 3.2: Declaration of Reservations if non-conformities are present and signing of the completion report

  1. Drag and drop an A/B Choice block. Name it "Is the installation acceptance confirmed?" Provide choices: "With reservations" or "Without reservations".
  1. Subsequently, drag and drop a Creation block. Name it "Declare a reservation". Choose the "Project Anomalies" database.
  2. 2.1 Using display conditions, show this block if "With reservations" is chosen previously.

  3. Inside the Creation block, drag and drop a Date block. Name it "Reservation creation date". Link it to the "Anomaly creation date" attribute and check the "Current date" option.
  1. Inside the Creation block, drag and drop a Text block. Name it "Identified by". Link it to the "Identified by" attribute in the Project Anomalies database.
  2. 4.1 Enter ##firstname## and ##lastname## in the default value. The operator's first and last names will automatically be retrieved.

  1. Still inside the Design brick, drag and drop a Multiple Choice brick.   Link this brick with the attribute "Anomaly status". If the default choice is "Referenced", you can even hide your bricks.
  1. Outside the Creation block, drag and drop two Signature blocks and name them "Operator Signature" and "Client Signature".

Step 3.3: Recall existing reservations if necessary and sign the confirmation of reservation resolution

  1. Drag and drop an Automatic Selection block. Name it "Recall existing reservations". In the block options, choose "Asset name is Assetname" and "Database is Project Anomalies".
  1. Inside the Automatic Selection block, drag and drop a Text block. Name it "Description of reservation". Link it to the "Anomaly description" attribute in the Project Anomalies database.
  1. Still within the Automatic Selection block, drag and drop an Image block. Name it "Reservation photo" and link it to the "Anomaly photo" attribute in the Project Anomalies database.
  2. Next, drag and drop a Section block. Name it "Confirmation of reservation resolution signature". Inside the Section block, drag and drop a Signature block.
  3. Publish the form and initiate the operation from the web app or mobile application.
  4. Choose a project at the start of the operation. Verify the project information.
  1. Declare reservations if needed.
  1. If necessary, recall existing reservations and verify the reported information.
  1. onclude the operation after obtaining the client's signature.
  2. Congratulations! Your reservations are now visible in the Project Anomalies database.

It is also possible to customize the names of created reservations (link to article).

Conclusion: After noting reservations, you can track them over time using PowerBI dashboards.