How to facilitate site monitoring for your operators?


Using paper forms can be an obstacle to data collection during site monitoring.

Ermeo supports your field operators in mobility, from the completion of the work to the delivery of the projects.

On its mobile application, the operator will be able to see the task assigned to them and will have access to information about the site they are on.

With Ermeo, they can easily report work and non-conformities and illustrate their records with photos.

Our solution also generates a report at the end of the intervention, which can be automatically sent to the client and the operation supervisor.


1. How to monitor a construction site?

Generally, the site manager must first establish a work schedule and plan interventions. In this plan, they can specify the intervention hours for the project owners or their assistants.

They must also know the location of all equipment used for the project. Planning the movements of different operators remains crucial.

2. How to implement site monitoring on Ermeo?

Below, we will present the method to implement site monitoring on Ermeo.

Our example: Imagine a field operator needing to fill out a visit sheet after completing their work on a site.

  1. They will first select the site they are on.
  2. They will then get information about this site. They will then declare the names of the people present on the site.
  3. They will declare all the equipment and materials used during the work.
  4. Finally, they will be able to report any site anomalies if they encounter non-conformities.

Here are the steps to implement equipment referencing on Ermeo:

  1. Create a Sites database to list all the sites where operators can intervene.
  2. Create a Site Anomalies database. All non-conformities reported by operators will be in this database.
  3. Create a form allowing operators to monitor the site.

Step 1: Have a Sites database to list the sites where operators can intervene

In this step, you need to create a database to list all the sites (which will be called Sites). Each site will be described by the following attributes:

  • Client Contact (Text)
  • GPS Coordinates (GPS Coordinates)
  • Client Email (Email)
  • Client Name (Text)
  • Photo (Image)
  • Site Address (Text)
  • Site Agency (Text)
  • Site Access Instructions (Text)
  • Site Contact (Action)
  • Client Phone Number (Phone Number)

Ermeo allows you to create resources in bulk in a database using imports.

The import file used to create the sites for our example is attached to this article.

Your database will thus consist of different sites. Here is the final result in our case:


Step 2: Create a Site Anomalies database

In this step, we will create a new database named "Site Anomalies." This database will list all non-conformities and will be described by the following attributes:

  • Anomaly Creation Date (Date)
  • Urgency Level (Multiple Choice)
  • Anomaly Description (Long Text)
  • Identified by (Text)
  • Anomaly Photo (Image)
  • Anomaly Status (Multiple Choice)

Each reported anomaly will thus be described by a creation date, a description, a status, a photo, and a criticality.

Here is the obtained result:


Step 3: Create the form to monitor the site

To recall, the created form will allow the operator to perform the following steps:

  1. First, they will select the site they are on.
  2. They will then get information about this site. They will then declare the names of the people present on the site.
  3. They will declare all the equipment and materials used during the work.
  4. Finally, they will be able to report any site anomalies if they encounter non-conformities. This non-conformity will be recorded in the Site Anomalies database.

At the beginning of the form, the operator will select a resource as the main resource of the intervention. This resource will be a site.

Subsequently, they will be able to report anomalies. The reported anomalies will automatically have the site where the operator is as the parent. Thus, the non-conformities will be linked to a site.


Step 3.1 Create the form and load site information

  1. Create a new form and name it "Visit Sheet."
  1. In the editing studio, drag and drop a Section block and name it "General Information."
  2. Inside this block, drag and drop a Text Block. Name it "Address" and link it to the attribute "Site Address" of the Sites database.
  1. Inside the Section block, drag and drop a Text Block and name it "Client Contact." Link this block with the attribute "Client Contact" of the Sites database.

Step 3.2 Declare the used equipment and people present on the site

  1. Drag and drop a Repeatable Section block. Name this block "Equipment and Materials."
  1. Inside the Repeatable Section block, drag and drop a Multiple Choice Block. Name this block "Equipment Type." Fill in values such as "Helmet," "Protective Vest," or "Safety Cone."
  1. Still inside the Repeatable Section block, drag and drop a Text Block. Name it "Remark."
  2. Drag and drop another Repeatable Section block. Name it "People Present."
  3. Inside the "People Present" block, drag and drop a Text Block. Name it "First and Last Name."
  4. Still inside the "People Present" block, drag and drop a Text Block. Name it "Email."

Step 3.3 Reporting Non-Conformities on the Construction Site

  1. Drag and drop a Creation block. Name it "Report a Site Anomaly". In the block options, choose the database as "Site Anomalies".
  1. Within the Creation block, drag and drop a Text block. Name it "Reporter".
  2. 2.1 In the default value, enter the tags "User's First Name" and "User's Last Name".

    2.2 Link this block to the "Identified by" attribute in the "Site Anomalies" database.

  1. Still within the Creation block, drag and drop a Date block. Name it "Observation Date" and link it to the "Date of Anomaly Creation" attribute in the "Site Anomalies" database.
  1. Still within the Creation block, drag and drop a Photo block. Name it "Illustration of the Site Anomaly" and link it to the "Anomaly Photo" attribute.
  1. Publish your form and launch it from the web app or the mobile app.
  2. Select a site at the start of the intervention. Verify the site information.
  1. Report the equipment used and the people present.
  1. Report one or more non-conformities and then complete the intervention.
  1. Congratulations! Your non-conformities are now visible in the "Site Anomalies" database.

It is also possible to customize the name of the reported anomalies.

Conclusion: After reporting non-conformities, you can track these non-conformities over time using PowerBI dashboards.