The Scale widget


1. What is the Scale Widget ? The Scale brick allows your operators to select a value on a numbered scale. For example, you can ask your operator to rate a resource or even the form on which they are working.

The Scale brick can be found in your editing studio, in the Tasks category.


2. How do I use a Scale brick in my Ermeo form?

In the settings, the scale is configured to contain a value between 1 and 10. You can change these minimum and maximum values.

You can also define the scale's rating step.

It's possible to apply labels to the left, right, and center of the scale. This will allow your operator to quantify their evaluation and give an appropriate rating.

You can set a default value within the Scale brick. This value can be modified by the operator during their intervention.

For the Scale brick (as with all bricks), you can add media (pictograms) that will be visible in the application.

Context: Imagine an administrator creating forms for operators. The administrator wants to receive feedback from their operators on the form. In case of a poor rating, they can improve the form to better suit the field realities. The Scale brick will be useful and must meet the following constraints:

  • The operator must give a rating between 1 and 10. The step will be 1.
  • The average rating of the forms is 5. So, the default value will be 5.
  • This default value must be modifiable by the operator.
  • Labels will be applied to the left and right of the scale to guide the operator. On the left, we will write the label "Difficult" and on the right "Easy."
  1. Drag and drop the Scale brick at the end of your form. Name it "Form Evaluation."
  2. In the settings, enter the value "5" for the default value. Allow the modification of the default value.
  3. You can leave the values "1" and "10" for the minimum and maximum. The step will be 1.
  4. Enable the "Apply labels" option. In the left label, write "Difficult" and in the right label "Easy."
  1. Publish your form. The operator can now rate the form they are working on.