The Photo widget


1. What is the Photo Widget?

The Photo brick allows your operators to take a photo during an intervention. The photo taken will then appear in the intervention report.

The Photo brick can be found in your editing studio, in the Tasks category.


2. In practice, how do I use a Photo brick in my Ermeo form?

Context: Imagine a company conducting inspections and reporting anomalies during those inspections. An operator might need to take a photo of the reported anomalies.

a. Drag and drop the Photo brick into your form. Name it "Photo of an anomaly." This Photo brick could be included within a creation brick.

b. In the settings, link the "Photo of an anomaly" brick with an attribute of type Image created previously.

c. Publish the form. You can launch the form in the application and take a photo of your anomaly. The photo taken will be present in your reports.

3. Timestamping a photo:

Timestamping a photo involves applying an electronic seal attesting to the exact date and time it was taken. Thanks to our collaboration with Certigna (a French cybersecurity expert), you can timestamp photos taken during your interventions. This timestamping only applies to photos taken from the camera and does not include photos selected from the phone's gallery.

To learn more about configuring this feature, please consult the following article: Timestamping.

šŸ’” **Notes**

  • Photos taken from the mobile app can be saved within the phone's gallery. There is an option in the app profile.
  • You can also have these photos appear in your custom reports.
  • If you export resources with photo attributes, links to view the images will be exported. These links have an expiration date.
  • With this brick, it is possible to take photos from the mobile app, web app, and Windows app.

šŸ›‘ **Limitations**

  • It is not possible to accompany the photo with a name when adding it during the intervention. You can only give a title to the Photo brick when creating it in the editing studio.
  • It is not possible to delete photo attributes in bulk across various resources. However, you can modify each of these resources (by entering the 360 views of each resource).
  • It is not possible to export photos of more than 99 resources at once.
  • Photos within forms cannot be saved from the web app with a right-click on "Save image."