The Forward widget


1. What is the Forward Widget?

The forward widget allows your operators to exchange interventions among themselves.

The forward block widget is found within your editing studio, in the Workflows category.


If this block is inserted into your form, your operator will be able to choose to whom they want to forward the intervention.

2. How to configure this widget ?

The widget's settings allow you to predefine the employees who can receive the intervention. The preselection criteria can be based on teams, roles, or user attributes.

The supervisor can allow or disallow the modification of previous tasks.

  • If this option is not enabled, the operator receiving the intervention will not be able to modify the work done by the operator who sent the intervention.
  • If this option is enabled, the operator receiving the intervention will be able to modify the work done by the operator who sent the intervention.

3. Practically, how does the forward block work?

Context: Two operators need to work on the maintenance of an engine. The first operator is an electrician. The second operator is a mechanic.

For the same intervention, I want my two operators to work in succession.

  • The first operator will handle the electrical part of the engine (the "Readings" section of the form).
  • The second operator will handle the mechanical part of the engine (the "Engine Inspection" section of the form).

In the "Engine Maintenance Record" form, we will insert a forward widget between the "Readings" section and the "Engine Inspection" section.

  1. Click on the forward block within the editing studio, then drop it into the form between the two sections.
  2. Do not enable the option "Allow modification of previous tasks". Thus, the mechanic will not be able to modify the electrician's work.
  3. In roles, choose the role Technician. Only users with the "Technician" role will be able to receive the intervention.

Once the electrician has finished taking readings, he will be able to forward the intervention to a mechanic. He will then have to choose a mechanic-operator with the "Technician" role.

The chosen operator will receive the intervention and will be able to work on the Engine Inspection part. He will not be able to modify the Readings part.

4. Limiting the forward

  • Decide who to forward the intervention to during the intervention

If no criteria are specified in the configuration of the forward widget, the user will have the option to choose any user from those proposed by Ermeo in the application.

  • Limit the forward during form configuration

Different choices are available. For example, it is possible to choose only a team as a forward criterion. The user will then have the option to transfer the intervention to any member of the chosen team.

If only one person is configured as the recipient (by providing a specific email or user ID), the intervening user will only have the option to forward to that particular person.