The Duration widget


Here is the translation of your text into English:

1. What is the Duration block?

The Duration block allows your operators to enter a duration in different units (years, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds). For example, the operator can specify the duration of the intervention.

The Duration block is found within your editing studio, in the Tasks category.


2. Practically, how to use a Duration block in my Ermeo form?

You need to define the unit for measuring the duration. The duration can be defined in years, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds.

You can set a maximum and minimum for this duration.

You can also set a default value for the duration. If you enable the "Allow modification of the default value" option, this value will be modifiable by the operator.

Context: Imagine a company performing building inspections. At the end of each intervention, the operator must report the duration of their intervention in minutes. You can use this block to set up a timer.

Here are the parameters we will define:

  • On average, an intervention lasts 50 minutes. The default value will therefore be 50.
  • The operator must be able to modify this default value.
  • At most, an intervention can last 120 minutes.
  • At least, an intervention can last 30 minutes.
  1. Drag and drop the Duration block into your form. Name it "Inspection Duration".
  2. In the settings, choose the unit "Minutes".
  3. In the default value, enter 50.
  4. Enter 30 for the minimum value and 120 for the maximum value.
  5. Publish your form and go to the mobile application.