The Automatic Selection Widget


1. Where is the Automatic Selection block widget located?

The Automatic Selection block allows an administrator to pre-select one or more resources for their operator.

The administrator creating the form can define criteria for resource selection. A list of resources will then be displayed for the operator based on these criteria. The operator will not be able to manually choose which resources to work on.

The Automatic Selection block is found within your editing studio, in the Databases category.


With this block, your operator will not have to choose which resources to work on.

2. How to set up the Automatic Selection block?

Within the settings, you can choose the maximum number of resources that can be selected.

You can then define selection criteria. These criteria can be based on:

  • Resource names
  • Resource parents
  • Resource databases
  • Resource creation and/or modification dates
  • Resource attributes

2.1. How to automatically load and/or hide resources within the Automatic Selection block?

Within the settings of the Automatic Selection block, options allow you to automatically load the selected resources or hide these same selected resources.


Context: Imagine a company inspecting rails. Each rail is a resource in the "Rails" database.

  • Each inspected rail can have defects. In this case, the defects will be listed as resources in the "Defects" database.
  • Each created defect will have a parent resource. This parent resource is the rail on which the defect is found.
  • Imagine an operator working on a rail. They want to select all defects that were created on this rail during previous inspections.

How to ensure that the defects appear?

  1. Drag and drop a Text block at the beginning of your form. Name this block "Inspected Rail". In this block, the reference of the inspected rail will be entered. Thus, in the rest of the form, it will be known which rail is being inspected.
  2. Drag and drop an Automatic Selection block.
  3. 2.1 In the settings, for Parent, place the tag corresponding to the "Inspected Rail" block.

    2.2 In Databases, select the Defects database.

    2.3 Set a maximum number of resources that can be selected.

  4. Publish your form and launch it from the application. Enter the reference of a rail and then click on Automatic Selection.

2.2. Automating the selection click

It is now possible to automate the click of the automatic selection. To do this, simply:

  • Place a display condition on the Automatic Selection task
  • Check the "Automate the click" option after checking the "Load data automatically" option.
Limitations It is possible to automate the click only if the multiplication of the number of selected assets by the number of tasks included in the Automatic Selection block is strictly less than 500 at the same level of the form.

⇒ Example of a possible configuration:


Here, there are 100 selected resources and 4 tasks in the Automatic Selection. So we have 4 * 100 = 400 (strictly less than 500).

⇒Example of an impossible configuration:


Here, there are 100 selected resources and we want to add a fifth task in the Automatic Selection. So we have 5 * 100 = 500 (thus we have reached the limit of 500).

If the number of selected resources is too large, this number will be automatically reduced by the studio to allow you to automate the click.

2.3. Ensuring the selected resource is the main resource of your intervention

Within the settings of the Automatic Selection block, if you check the option "This resource is the primary resource of the intervention," then the selected resource will be the primary resource of the intervention.

***Note, if this option is enabled, it will not be possible to select more than one resource with your Automatic Selection block.


Notes :
  • The Manual Selection block allows your operator to choose resources from the pre-selected resources. Here, the Automatic Selection block does not give the operator the option to choose among the selected resources. The resources are "imposed".
  • It is not mandatory to set a maximum number of selectable resources.
  • If the maximum number of resources selected by the application exceeds the limit defined by the supervisor, only a portion of the selected resources will be displayed.