The Attachment Widget


The Attachment widget will allow you to:

  • Attach files to your resources from the Ermeo platform, making them available to your operators in the field (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.).
  • Enhance your reports by loading files directly during an intervention.
  • Send the end-of-intervention report by email, along with its attachments.

This feature makes document collection and file management associated with your databases easier.


1. What is the Attachment widget?

The Attachment brick is located in your editing studio, in the Tasks category.


2. How do I attach an attachment to an asset?

Here are the steps for attaching attachments to your resources:

a. Go to the platform and click on the "Databases" section.

b. Select the database where your resources are located and to which you want to add attachments.

c. Click on the "Attributes" section and then on "Create a New Attribute."

d. Give a name to your attribute, and select "Attachment" as the attribute type.

After following these steps, you have created the "Attachment" attribute in your database. Now, let's proceed with the next steps:

e. Go to the "assets" section and choose the specific resource to which you want to attach a file.

f. Look for the "Attachment" attribute you created earlier and click on "Add Attachment." You can now upload the file from your computer or mobile device.Once the file is uploaded, it will be attached to the selected asset and will be available for future use.

With these simple steps, you can efficiently manage and link attachments to your assets, making it easier to access relevant files during your operations.


e. Go back to the list of assets in your database. Select the assets you want to attach files to (in our case, it's "anomalie 1") and click to edit these assets. Choose the newly created attribute and, finally, select the attachment that you want to import.


Your attachments are now attached to your assets. These attachments will be directly accessible on the application by your operators.

3. How to display an attachment in a form?

Let's go through the previous configuration. We have two anomalies ( anomalie 1 and anomalie 2) for which we have attached an attachment.

Now, you can display this attachment in the form.

Here are the steps to follow:

a. Create a form and drag and drop an Attachment widget.

b. In the widget settings, click on "Linked to an attribute" and then select the Attachment attribute you created earlier. Make sure the option "Pre-fill the value in the application" is filled.

By following these steps, the attachment will be displayed in the form, allowing your operators to access and view the attached files directly within the application.


4. How to perform document collection?

With the Attachment widget, you can allow operators to associate multiple files with different resources selected in their form. Here are the steps to follow:

a. Create a form and drag and drop an "Automatic Selection" widget.

b. In the settings of the "Automatic Selection" widget, choose a database for which you have defined an attribute of type "Attachment."

c. Inside the "Automatic Selection" widget, drag and drop an "Attachment" widget. In the widget settings, click on "Linked to an attribute" and then select the "Attachment" attribute you defined.

d. Publish the form and launch it from the application.

By following these steps, operators will be able to collect documents and associate them with various resources directly from the form, streamlining the document collection process for your project or operation.


e. The operator will be able to select resources and attach an attachment for each of the selected resources.


5. How to add an attachment to the email sent at the end of an intervention?

If your form contains an Attachment widget, it will be possible to include the content of this widget in the email sent at the end of the intervention.

Here are the steps to follow:

a. Open a form in which you have inserted an Attachment widget.

b. Drag and drop a "Finish and Send" widget at the end of the intervention.

c. In the settings, choose your Attachment widget.

By following these steps, the content of the Attachment widget will be automatically added to the email sent at the end of the intervention, ensuring that all relevant attachments are included in the communication with stakeholders or recipients.


If the operator chooses an attachment at the beginning of the intervention, that specific attachment will be sent by email at the end of the intervention.

Similarly, you can also attach photos as attachments. The recipient of the email will receive the intervention report along with the photos from the Photo widgets that you selected during the configuration of the "Finish and Send" widget. This makes it convenient to share relevant information and visual documentation with stakeholders or other concerned parties after completing the intervention.


6. How to attach multiple attachments to a resource?

By following the same steps as before, the configuration of the "Attachment" attribute now offers the option to have multiple files/images within the same attribute value. Simply check the option as shown in the image below.


7. How to link the job report to an asset/job attribute :

This feature allows reports to be saved directly in the attributes of assets or jobs. This will allow users to access their reports (including custom reports) directly from the attributes.

a. Once you have created your "attachment" attribute and ticked the "Allow multiple files and images to be uploaded" option, go to the editing studio.

b. Add an "attachment" type brick, then associate it with the attribute created in the previous step.


c. The "ADD ONE OR SEVERAL REPORTS" option allows you to select one or more reports:

  • Ermeo template: the default report generated by ermeo.
  • Custom report: You can select one or multiple custom reports if they have already been imported as a custom template.

d. Check "Convert to pdf". (this choice is optional)

e. Publish your form, then do your job by selecting a main resource.

f. Once the job has been completed, the reports will be available as attribute values for this asset. You can download them directly from the database.

  • The same principle applies to resources located in manual/automatic selections or creations.
  • All the attachments present in an intervention are visible in the "Report" tab of the completed intervention.

The option to view photos contained within the intervention is not available in the "Report" tab. However, if the photos are attached to the Attachment widget, they will be sent via email to the recipient of the report.

The functionality of exporting attachments is only available in published forms. If you are testing via preview mode, exporting attachments will not be possible from that page.

For more information:

The supported formats by the Attachment widget are:

  • Excel: .xlsx, .xls, .ods
  • Word: .docx, .doc, .odt
  • Text: .txt, .csv, .json, .xml