Start a form during a job


Sometimes it is necessary to start an intervention in parallel with the main intervention to report anomalies or conduct a field inspection. In this article, we will see together how to start and finish an intervention without leaving the main intervention.


Let's take the example of an operator performing a field intervention. During his mission, he needs to launch a risk assessment.

a. Create the form dedicated solely to the risk assessment.

b. Once your form configuration is complete, publish it.

c. Create another form dedicated to the main intervention.

d. Drag and drop a yes/no block.

e. Drag and drop the "Start an intervention" block with a display condition such that the value of block 2 corresponds to "yes".


f. Configure the "Start an intervention" block such that the associated form is the one dedicated to the risk assessment (the one created in the first step). This form needs to be published to be visible in this part of the configuration. This new feature also allows the inheritance of data from the main intervention.

  • The attributes of the "Risk Assessment" intervention can inherit the values of the main intervention's attributes.
  • The main resource.

g. Launch your intervention in preview mode.


The intervention associated with the risk assessment will start once you click "Launch the form". Once it is completed, you can continue the main intervention normally.

  • You can perform as many interventions as you wish from this block. All interventions will be visible in the "interventions" sections of the platform and the mobile application.
  • Only the user who paused the sub-intervention can resume it via the "Start an intervention" block. If a second user starts another sub-intervention via this same block, a new sub-intervention will be created and will not affect the previous one.
  • It is also possible to resume this sub-intervention directly from the "paused interventions" section of the application.