Rules for deactivating your automatic exports


Automatic exports allow you to update the data in your BI dashboards daily. If you have not had the opportunity to consult the article on how to automatically export your data to Power BI, we invite you to consult the article Export your data automatically to PowerBI.

Concerning the deactivation rules, if some of your dashboards are not used regularly, this means that they did not need to use the associated automatic exports.

To do this, after 30 days of inactivity, we deactivate the generation of these automatic exports. To inform you if you have affected exports, the creator of the recurring export will receive three emails:

  • Two weeks before deactivation
  • One week before deactivation
  • One day after deactivation. He will then be asked to reactivate the export concerned.

1. How to consult and understand the export(s) concerned?

  1. All you need to do is go to the “Imports/Exports” tab then “Automatic exports”:
  1. In your “Status” column, you can see if the export has been deactivated thanks to the “Disabled” label in red
  2. In the “Last download” column, you have a color code:
  • If the date is in orange, this means that the last date of activity is approaching thirty days, and thus a potential deactivation
  • If the date is in red, automatic downloading has been disabled. You will also have the information that it has been deactivated with the label “Disabled” in its “Status” column.
  • If the date is in grey, the export is used and continues to be downloaded

2. How to re-enable a disabled export?

It is possible to reactivate an automatic export that has been deactivated.

Simply :

  1. Select the export you want to reactivate
  2. Click on the “Reactivate” icon
  3. Confirm reactivation