Publish a Form


You have the ability to create forms and modify them as many times as you want.

When you are ready to publish your form for your teams in the field, you can make your form version active.

If you want to make changes to a form without disrupting your operators, you have the option to create a new version of your form that you can modify without impacting the form your operators are using.

1. How to publish a version?

a. Go to the form

b. Select "Publish version 1.x"

If you want to modify your document, you must:

  • Create a new version
  • Make the necessary changes
  • Click on exit

c. If you no longer have changes to make, you can click on "Publish".


When a form is duplicated, the original form is now indicated on the document profile, in the Versions tab.



Version 1.0

I am creating a new form. Once the creation is complete, I publish this form. Operators can use this form on the Ermeo application.

Version 1.1

Following feedback from my operators, I want to modify the form to improve it. I will then open version 1.1 of my form. This version will have the status Draft as long as it is not published. During this time, version 1.0 will be accessible for the operators.

Once the changes have been made, I will publish my version 1.1 and my technicians will use this new version. The version 1.0 will then become "inactive.

  • If you want to duplicate a form, you should publish the correct version. A form without a published version will generate an empty copy.
  • You can only view without the possibility of editing or publishing the inactive version of your form on the editing studio.