Prefill values from a previous report


Your operators can fill out the same form every day, for example, a Daily Report.

The data entered is each time substantially the same and your operators waste time rewriting everything each time.

To save them time, they can start from a previous report and so start from a form that has been filled out previously.

1. Description of this functionality

When launching an intervention, the operator has the option of choosing whether he wants to start from scratch or start from a previous report.

If he chooses the second option, the data from the selected report will be copied to the new report. The operator will only have to modify the data that has not changed since the previous intervention.

To activate this functionality on a document, go to the document options:


Please note that the following data is not copied:

  • Signatures.
  • Tasks that are pre-filled with user attributes in case the user is different.
  • Tasks that are pre-filled with asset attributes in case the main asset of the intervention is modified.

Here is a summary table about the displayed value after using the pre filled value option when starting a job:

Widget type
Pre filled
Default value
Database value
Creation widget
Signature widget
Date/ hour widget
If current date only
Email widget
Widget with a formula as a default value
All other widgets

The rules mentioned in the table above are applied whatever the position of the widget in the form.Example: The final value of a date form widget inside an automatic selection form widget will be the same as if the form widget is in the root of the form.

It is highly recommended to use this feature with forms of the same version.

2- In practice, how to use the pre-filling of values from a previous report ?

Context: Imagine a company carrying out site inspection. The site is divided into two parts A and B. These two parts are almost identical.

An operator will inspect part A of the site. The next day, he will inspect part B of the site.

It is in the operator's interest to keep the inspection data from part A to complete the intervention concerning part B of the site.

We will thus use an existing document and activate the desired functionality.

1. Open an existing document

2. Click in Options. Then "Change options". Finally activate the option: "Allow pre-filling of values from a previous report".


3. Make a first intervention with the document from the application

4. End the intervention and start a second intervention.

5. You are allowed to pre-fill the intervention values. You can select the report in question. If an item of equipment was linked to a previous intervention, this equipment will be taken up again for the new intervention.

Notes In order to pre-fill your reports, you can use the reports done via the preview as well. This option is only available via the "preview" section of the editing studio.