Plan jobs with Ermeo


With Ermeo, you can schedule interventions one by one on the platform but also determine their frequency.You can also schedule interventions in bulk, using the following article:

Import your interventions.

Your operator will be notified in advance, via a notification on their device, and will be able to prepare for their intervention.

1. Schedule an intervention

In this first part, we will look at manually scheduling interventions one by one. You can therefore define in advance all the data concerning an intervention.


1.1. In practice, how to schedule an intervention?

  1. Click on the "Interventions" section, then "Schedule an Intervention".
  2. Enter the data associated with the intervention you want to schedule:
    • The name of the intervention.
    • The name of the associated form. This data can also be used as the intervention name.
    • The main resource used during the intervention. (optional data)
    • The user performing the intervention. You must choose at least one user.
  3. Click on "Scheduling" to determine the start date and start time of the intervention.
  1. Click on "Advanced Settings" to define the following elements:
  • The end date of the intervention. The selected user(s) will only be notified by a notification on the Ermeo mobile app if start and end dates are chosen.
  • The time zone associated with the intervention.
  • The intervention attributes.

2. Determine the recurrence of your intervention

In the case of preventive inspections, scheduling interventions can be a lengthy step, especially in cases where interventions are repeated according to a given frequency. If you are curious to learn more about this new feature, and you want to determine a daily or monthly frequency for your interventions as well, here are the steps to follow:

  • Follow the same steps as before.
  • Choose one of the 4 recurrence choices: daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.
  • Select the days and start time for the interventions.
  • Finally, select the end date of the recurrence. You can choose a specific end date, set a maximum number of occurrences, or simply not set an end date.

2.1. Practical example

As a team leader, I want to schedule an intervention every two weeks, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 9am, until May 1, 2024. The configuration on the platform will therefore be as shown in the picture below.

  • Once your recurring intervention scheduling is finalized, Ermeo will only display those scheduled within the next 180 days maximum. Other interventions beyond the 6-month period will be created as they get closer. So don't panic if you don't see all your interventions on the same day as the scheduling.
  • Scheduling recurring interventions is not possible via import.
  • Scheduled interventions can be exported from the platform.
  • Deleting a single scheduled intervention using this feature does not affect the other interventions. You can therefore manage your interventions separately without any issues.
  • Modifying the recurrence is not possible once the interventions are scheduled. You need to delete them and recreate new ones to set the new frequency.
  • For a scheduled intervention, the notification to the assigned person is sent only via mobile phone (if notifications are enabled for the Ermeo app on the device). However, notifications associated with transferred interventions are sent by email.

3. Create a new job version

Once an intervention is completed, it cannot be modified. However, it is possible to create a new version of the intervention using the data from the original one (by pre-filling the new one with information from the previous intervention). In other words, it is possible to schedule a new intervention by pre-filling the data from an already completed intervention. This new version will take on the characteristics of the old one unless changes are made during creation.

Note Only the scheduled start date and the name of the assigned user will be reset for the new intervention.

4. Intervention Statuses

Scheduled: The intervention is scheduled for a user in the future. This user will receive a notification on their app.

In Progress: A user is currently performing the intervention. There is a user currently filling out the form. If the intervention is done in offline mode, then this intervention status will not appear on the platform.

Paused: The operator in the field has pressed "Pause" on the intervention. They will be able to resume this intervention later.

Completed: The intervention is finished. It cannot be modified. It is possible to export the report for the intervention.

To go further
  • To schedule interventions in bulk, you must use intervention imports (Import your interventions).
  • The Ermeo Report will be automatically generated by Ermeo at the end of each intervention. This report cannot be modified after the end of an intervention.