Plan a job


With Ermeo, you can plan jobs one by one on the platform but also determine their frequency. You can also plan jobs in mass, using job import. Your operator will be notified in advance with a notification on his device. 

1. Plan a job

In this first part, we will see the manual planning of the job one by one. You can therefore define in advance all the data concerning a job.

In practice, how do you plan a job ?

1-1- Click on the "jobs" section and then on "Plan a job".

1-2- Fill in the data associated with the job you want to plan:

  • The name of the job.
  • The name of the associated form. This data can also be used as the name of the job.
  • The main asset used during the job. (optional data).
  • The user performing the job. You must choose at least one user.

1-3- Click on "Schedule" to determine the start date and time of the job.


1-4- Click on "Advanced settings" to define the following elements:

  • The end date of the job. The selected user(s) will be notified on the Ermeo mobile application only if start and end dates are selected.
  • The time zone associated with the job.
  • The Job attribute.

2- Determine the occurrence of your job

In the case of preventive inspections, the planning can be a long step, especially if the jobs are repeated at a given frequency.

If you are curious to know more about this new feature, if you want to determine a daily or monthly frequency to your interventions too, here are the steps to follow:

-Follow the same steps as above. -Choose one of the 4 choices of occurrence: daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. -Select the days and the starting time of the jobs. -Finally, select the end date of the occurrence. You can choose a specific day as the end of the occurrence, determine a maximum number of occurrences or simply not put an end date.

Example As a team leader, I want to schedule a job every two weeks, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 9am, until May 1st 2024. The settings on the platform will be as shown in the photo below.

  • Once you have finalized your recurring job planning, Ermeo will only display those planned within 180 days. The other jobs whose date is beyond the 6 months, will be created as you go along. So don't panic if you don't see all your jobs the day of the planning.
  • The planning of recurrent jobs can not be done via import.
  • The planned jobs can be exported from the platform.
  • The cancellation of a single job planned via this functionality does not affect the other jobs. You can therefore manage your jobs separately without worry.
  • It is not possible to modify the occurrence once the job have been planned. It is necessary to delete them and then recreate new ones to determine the new frequency.
  • For a planned job, the person assigned to it receives a notification only via mobile phone (if the notifications are activated for the ermeo application on the device of course). On the other hand, notifications associated with transferred jobs are sent by email.

3. Create a job new version

Once a job has been completed, it cannot be modified. However, it is possible to create a new version of the job using the data from the original job (by pre-filling the new version with information from the previous job). In other words, it is possible to plan a new job by pre-filling the data from a job that has already been completed. This new version will take on the characteristics of the old one, unless modified during creation.

Note Only the planning start date and the name of the assigned user will be reset for the new intervention.

4. The different Status of a job

The job is planned for a user in the future. This user will receive a notification on his application.

In progress: A user is currently performing the job. So there is a user who is currently filling out the form. If the job is done with the offline mode, then its status will not appear on the platform.

Paused : The operator in the field has paused the job. He can resume it later while all his data is saved.

Finished : The job is finished. It is not possible to modify it. You can export the job report without the possibility the modify it anymore. 

To go further To plan mass jobs, you must use the jobs import. (Import jobs).