Manage your ermeo licenses


You can distribute your various Ermeo licenses among your operators, depending on whether they are active or not.

Thus, if an operator joins your company, you can assign them an Ermeo license.

On the contrary, if an operator leaves your company, you can remove their Ermeo license (to give it to another operator for example).

1. In practice, how to assign licenses?

Context: A new operator joins my company. I want to assign them a new Ermeo license.

  1. In the Users tab, create a new user.
  2. In the list of users, you can select the created user to unassign the license previously assigned to them.

The number of licenses available for your environment is displayed in the top right in the user section.


If a license is removed from a user, the data concerning this user will still be accessible. This data will not be deleted. It is also possible to schedule an intervention for a user without a license (even if he cannot carry it out without a license).

You can also filter users who have a license or not:


To renew your licenses, it is essential to turn to your Ermeo account manager (person at Ermeo in charge of interacting with you).