Manage user roles


Roles allow defining a set of permissions on the platform and mobile application for one or more users.

1. What is a role?

Each role is therefore defined by several permissions on the platform and/or on the mobile application. The created role will then be assigned to one or more users. A user can have only one role. However, a role can be assigned to multiple users.

For example:

  • An administrator should have all permissions (platform and mobile app). They will be able to create documents, access the databases, schedule interventions, manage users and perform interventions on the mobile application.
  • However, a field operator will only have permissions on the mobile application. They will not be able to create documents or even delete resources in the database.

The permissions on the platform can concern the following sections:

  • Documents
  • Database
  • Users
  • Interventions

For each of these sections, you can authorize, or not, to create, modify or delete data. This data can be forms, resources, users or even reports (depending on the concerned section).

The permissions on the mobile application can concern the following sections:

  • Documents
  • Interventions
  • Resources
Limitation On the mobile application, it is not possible to delete data. However, it is possible to create resources or obviously to start an intervention.

2. Creating roles

  1. Go to the Users section and click on the Roles tab.
  2. Click on New Role
  3. Define a name for the new role.
  4. In the "Permissions on the platform" tab select the desired permissions.
  5. In the "Permissions on the mobile application" tab select the desired permissions.
  6. Click on Save

3. Hierarchy in the rules

It is important to understand the difference between Roles and Teams.

Roles determine what a user can do on the platform or mobile application. These are actions like duplicating a document or creating a user.

Teams define what a user can see on the platform or mobile application. These are conditions on resources such as: "The "Marseille" team can see all the equipment whose City attribute is "Marseille".

Note Roles take precedence over the consultation rights set in the teams. Therefore, it is advisable to properly set up roles and consultation rights to avoid conflicts in the rules.