How to facilitate the realization of control sheets?


With Ermeo, the completion of the control sheets by your field operators will be easier. They will be able to access all the content of your control sheets directly from a mobile device, whether in connected or offline mode.

Your operators will then be more efficient in the field, by having uniform control sheets. The technicians won't make any more typing errors thanks to the pre-filling of the data. They will no longer need to re-enter the data collected in the field. Ermeo will thus make it possible to reduce the number of tasks with low added value, helping the operator to gain in efficiency.

1. What are the challenges of the control sheets?

The control sheets make it possible to verify that all the installations are functioning correctly in sites or factories. They therefore make it possible to check the reliability of the installations and to ensure that the site is well protected so that the operators in the field are safe.

The checklists mainly address 4 issues:

  • Identify minor issues immediately
  • Be sure of the quality of your product
  • Reduce the level of risk
  • Encourage intelligent use of resources

2. How to set up control sheets on Ermeo?

Context: Let us imagine an operator having to carry out the control of valves using a control sheet. The form will thus be called a "Control sheet". At the start of the job, the operator must choose the valve on which he will carry out his checks. The valve will therefore be the main asset for the intervention.

Here is the list of steps to be implemented on Ermeo to set up the control sheets on Ermeo:

1. Create a Valves database making it possible to list all the valves on which the operators can carry out their checks.

2. Create the Control sheet form. This form will allow you to load the information from the valves and to carry out readings and checks on the valve. The operator can also declare anomalies.

Step 1: Create a Valves database to identify the valves on which operators can perform control actions

In this step, it is necessary to create a database allowing to identify all the valves. Each of the valves will be described by the following attributes:

  • Construction site / Site (Text)
  • GPS coordinates (GPS coordinates)
  • Date of commissioning (Date)
  • Serial Number (Text)
  • Photo (Image)
  • Power (Number)
  • Status (Multiple Choice)
  • Customer's phone number (Phone number)

Ermeo gives you the possibility to create assets in a database using imports.

The import file used to create the valves in our example is attached to this article.

Your database will therefore be made up of several valves.

Step 2: Create the Control Sheet form.

As a reminder, the form created will allow the operator to perform the following steps:

1. The operator will choose a valve at the start of the intervention.

2. The operator will get information about the valve to be checked.

3. The operator will take different readings on the chosen valve.

4. The operator can declare anomalies. The anomalies declared will be assets stored in the Anomalies database and will be linked to the valve chosen at the start of the intervention.

Step 2.1: Creating the form and loading the valve information.

1. Create a new form and name it "Control Form".

2. In the editing studio, drag-and-drop a Section widget and name it "User informations".

3. Inside this widget, drag and drop a Telephone widget. Name it "N °" and link it to the "Customer Telephone" attribute of the Valves database.

4. Inside the Section widget, drag and drop a Text widget and name the "Site / Site on which the intervention is carried out". 

Step 2.2: Readings

1. Drag and drop a Section widget. Name this widget "Mesures".

2. Within the Section widget, drag and drop a Text widget. Name this widget "Valve serial number". Link this widget to the "Serial number" attribute. Tick the options Allow the modification of a pre-filled value and Pre-fill the value in app.

3. Within the Section widget, drag and drop a Number widget. Name this widget "Valve power". Link this widget to the "Power" attribute. Tick the options Allow the modification of a pre-filled value and Pre-fill the value in the app.

4. Within the Section widget, drag and drop a GPS coordinates widget. Name this widget "Location of the valve". Link this widget to the "GPS coordinates" attribute. Tick the options Allow the modification of a pre-filled value and Pre-fill the value in app.

5. Still, within the Section widget, drag and drop a Multiple Choice widget. Name this widget "Valve state". Link this widget to the "Status" attribute. Check the options Allow the modification of a pre-filled value and Pre-fill the value in app.

Step 2.3: Declaration of anomalies

1. Drag and drop a Creation widget. Name it "Declaration of the Anomaly". Choose the "Anomalies" database in the widget settings.

Reminder: Here, we will not detail how to create the Anomalies database. You can consult the article "Declaration of anomalies" to see how to create this database.

2. Within the Creation widget, drag and drop a Text widget.  Name the "Site / Site of the anomaly". In the default value, enter the tag of the following widget "Construction site/site on which the intervention is carried out" . You can link this widget with an attribute of the Anomalies database.

3. Within the Creation widget, drag and drop a Multiple Choice widget. Name the "Type of anomaly". Link this brick to the "Type of anomaly" attribute.

3. Publish the form

Launch from the app

The operator can then launch the form and choose a valve at the start of the intervention. The information of the valve will thus be loaded on the intervention of the operator.


The operator can perform various control and reading actions.


Finally, the operator can also declare anomalies.
