How to facilitate the implementation of Energy Saving Certification (ESC) controls?


Paper forms can represent a significant shortfall when carrying out EWCs.

The long process of carrying out EWCs leads to tedious reporting time on tools such as Excel. This data entry or re-entry work represents on average 50% of the intervention time. This reporting step can also lead to entry errors and therefore a lack of reliability of the data.

With Ermeo, you can remove the constraints related to regulatory formalism. The time saving will thus be considerable on the time for carrying out the EECs. The re-intervention rate is then reduced by 70%. The data is thus traced in real time with a web platform and an easy-to-use mobile application.

1. What is an energy-saving certificate?

An Energy Saving Certificate is a measure encouraging energy savings across Europe. All owners, public or private, who carry out energy renovation work are concerned.

The EWCs are sold to energy suppliers, who thus return a sum of money to the owners carrying out the work.

2. How to set up an energy saving certificate on Ermeo?

Below, we will show you the method to use to set up an energy control certificate on Ermeo.

In our example, we will use the point of view of a control office having to produce an EWC file. Let us imagine an administrator having to create this EWC.

Here is the list of steps to be implemented on Ermeo to set up an EWC:

1. Create a Case number database to identify all the cases for which it is necessary to carry out an EWC.

2. Create an EWC form containing all the elements and controls that must appear in an EWC.

3. Create a custom report template. This report template will send reports to the client as soon as the intervention is finished.

Step 1: Create a Case number database making it possible to list all the cases for which it will be necessary to carry out an EWC.

In this step, it is necessary to create a database allowing to identify all the business numbers.

Each case number will thus contain information on the site and the customer and will be described by the following attributes:

  • Company address (Text)
  • Site address (GPS coordinates)
  • Customer site address (Text)
  • Craftsman in charge (Multiple Choices)
  • Design office in charge (Multiple Choices)
  • Control office in charge (Multiple Choices)
  • Client (Text)
  • Corresponding customer email (Email)
  • Name of operation manager (Text)
  • Corresponding customer name (Text)
  • Site name (Text)
  • SIRET number (Text)
  • Company name (Text)
  • Phone in charge of operation (Phone)
  • Customer Correspondent Telephone (Telephone)

Ermeo gives you the possibility to create resources in bulk in a database using imports.

The import file used to create the business numbers for our example is attached to this article.

Your database will therefore be made up of different business numbers. Here is the end result in our case.


Step 2: Create an EWC form containing all the elements and controls that must appear in an EWC.

The form will be split into 3 parts:

  • General information: This part will allow you to retrieve all the information concerning the workers and the sites
  • Controls: This part will contain all the controls that must be put in place on an EEC form.
  • Photos of the inspection and sending of the report by email: This part will allow the operator to take photos of the inspection and then finish the intervention. At the end of the intervention, a report will be sent by email to the customer.

Step 2.1: Creating the form and loading general information

1. Create a new form and name it "CEE Form".


2. In the studio, drag and drop a Section widget and name it "General Information"

3. Inside the Section widget, drag and drop a Text widget. Name the "Worker's first name" and link this part to the "First name" attribute, which is a User type attribute .

4. Inside the Section widget, Drag and drop a Text widget and name the "Name of the speaker". Link this widget ith the "Name" attribute which is a User type attribute.


5. Inside the Section widget, drag and drop a Multiple Choice widget . Name the "Company of the DB speaker". Link this brick to the "Control office in charge" attribute .


6. Still inside the Section widget, drag and drop a Text widget. Name the "Name responsible for operations". Link this widget to the "Name loaded operations" attribute.


Step 2.2: Creation of controls

1. At the root of the form, drag and drop a Section widget and name it "The control".

2. Inside the Section widget, drag and drop a Multiple Choice widget . Name the "Climate Zone" and fill in the choices: H1, H2, H3


3. Still inside the Section widget, drag and drop an A/B Choice widget.  Name it "What is heating energy". Fill in the choices Electricity, Fuel.


4. Drag and drop a Number widget. Name the "Insulation area installed (m²)". Make this widget mandatory to complete the form.


5. Then drag and drop another Number widget. Name the "Amount of certificates in kWh cumac". You will create a formula within the Number widget.

Within the parameters, in the default value, choose the Formula option and create the following formula: calc (2400*##tagnumberwidget##).

The ## tagbriquenombre ## corresponding to the tag of the widget Number "Insulation surface laid" (brick slipped and deposited beforehand).


Step 2.3: Photos of the inspection and sending the report by email

1. At the root of the form, drag and drop a Repeatable Section widget. Name it "Take pictures of the control".

2. Inside this Repeatable Section brick, drag and drop a Photo widget.  Name it "Take a picture".

3. Then drag and drop a Text block. Name the "Photo Comment".


4. At the root of the form, drag and drop a "Finish and Send" section.

4.1 In the recipient of the email, enter the tag retrieving the customer's email address.

4.2 Enter a subject and a message for the email.  You can add tags retrieving the first and last names of the operator so that he can sign the sending of emails.

4.3 At the end of step 3, we will fill in the custom template as an attachment to the report.


Step 3: Create the custom report frame

1. Open a Word document. This document will be the custom template. Copy and paste the tags from your form into the custom report.

2. Within the custom report frame, copy and paste the repeatable section tag . Add the mention: start, at the end of the tag.

3. Under the repeatable section tag, copy and paste the Photo widget tag. Add the size of the image to the end of the tag. Then, add the tag of the Text "Photo Comment" widget.

4. Close the repeatable section, by copying and pasting the tag from the Repeatable section widget, and adding the mention :end, at the end of the tag.


5. Import the custom template into the "Custom Template" page of the "CEE file" form.


6. Enter the studio. In the Finish and Send widget, choose the custom template imported beforehand. This report will therefore be sent as an attachment at the end of each intervention.


7. Publish the form. You can now launch interventions with this form.