How to facilitate the creation of Mobile Work Orders with Ermeo?


Thanks to the synchronization between Ermeo and your CMMS solution, your planning tool, or even Excel, your Work Orders (Work Orders) will be automatically integrated within the Ermeo platform.

Ermeo makes it possible to facilitate the process of creation of work orders, by automating some steps of the process. Operators will also be able to receive a notification on their applications in order to warn them that a work order has been assigned to them, and to enter all the data concerning the assets.  With data prefilling, input errors will be limited.

At the end of each work order (also called job), a custom report can be immediately sent to a supervisor or to a client, by the operator from the field. The automatic sending of reports will eliminate the reporting steps.

Thanks to Ermeo, you will thus make a gain of 20% in productivity on average, while reducing the cost of printing your jobs by 40%. In addition, all the field data collected will be automatically consolidated and analyzed.

1. What is a work order ?

A work order is a document containing the specifications of a service to be performed. On Ermeo, the work order is equivalent to an intervention.

When the service has been performed, a minimum of two reports are generated: one for the company providing the service and one for the customer.

Often used in the field of maintenance, the work order is more generally used by service companies, such as garages, companies specializing in cleaning, the production of electronic parts or even construction for example.

2. How to set up work orders on Ermeo?

Below, we will show you the method to create mass OTs on the Ermeo platform.

As a reminder, on Ermeo, a work order is equivalent to an intervention.

Contextualization: In our example, we will imagine a supervisor having to plan several work orders for different field operators. This supervisor will use an Excel file in order to import work orders into Ermeo. Each TO will be described using intervention attributes.

All work orders will be carried out on the same form (called Engine maintenance form in our case).

Here is the list of steps to be implemented on Ermeo to create the TOs:

1. Create a database of engines to be inspected and create intervention attributes to define the different work orders.

2. Create a custom report so that reports are sent at the end of each intervention.

3. Create the OTs import file in order to create the OTs en masse on the platform.

Step 1: Create a database of assets and intervention attributes.

Step 1.1: Create an Engines database listing all the engines to be inspected.

In the work orders, the field operators will be assigned engines (which are therefore resources on Ermeo).

Each engine will be described by the following attributes:

  • Construction site / Site (Text)
  • Date of commissioning (Date)
  • Cleanliness (Multiple Choice)
  • Brand (Text)
  • Serial Number (Text)
  • Photo (Image)
  • Status (Multiple Choice)
  • Type (Multiple Choice)

Ermeo gives you the possibility to create assets in bulk in a database using imports.

The import file used to create the engines in our example is attached to this article.

Your database will therefore be made up of different engines. Here is the end result in our case:


Step 1.2: Create intervention attributes in order to define the work orders.

In our example, we will define the work orders using the following attributes:

  • Client (Text)
  • Site address (Text)
  • Work order (Number)

When creating the work orders in mass (import described in step 3), information will be filled in for these different attributes.

To create work order attributes:

1. Go to the Interventions tab of the platform, then click on Attributes .

2. Click Create Attribute.

3. Fill in the requested information concerning the new attribute created (here the "Customer" attribute is created).


Step 2: Creation of the custom report template

We are going to see how to create a custom report template for the "Engine maintenance sheet" form . This form contains a repeatable section  and a Photo widget .

In this article, we will not detail how this form was created. You can see how to create forms  within the Creation of anomalies use cases or the Preventive Maintenance Round or watch the video "How to create your first form".

Here's what this form looks like on the editing studio:


1. Open a Word document. This document will be the custom template. Copy and paste the tags from your form into the custom report.


2. Within the custom report frame, copy and paste the repeatable section tag . Add the mention :start, at the end of the tag.

3. Under the repeatable section tag, copy and paste the Photo widget tag. Add the image size to the end of the tag. Then, add the tag of the Text "Photo Comment" brick.

4. Close the repeatable section, by copying and pasting the tag from the Repeatable section brick, and adding the :end to it at the end of the tag.


You should get the following output:

5. Import the custom template into the "Custom templates" page of the "Engine maintenance sheet" form.


6. Enter the studio. In the Finish and Send widget of the form, choose the custom report imported beforehand. This report will therefore be sent as an attachment at the end of each intervention.


7. Publish the form . You can now plan interventions with this form. The operator will thus be able to send intervention reports at the end of each work order.

Step 3: Create an intervention import file in order to create the work orders en masse.

1. Export an intervention in order to obtain an Excel import template.


Here is the file obtained which will serve as a template (which you can find in the attachment of this article)


2. Fill in the different columns of your Excel file which will then be imported . For the different columns:

  • Code: You can leave this column empty when creating a work order. An Ermeo code will be automatically associated with the intervention. However, you can also use the work order number or a code generated by your CMMS.
  • Name: Enter an OT title (or intervention title).
  • Status: Fill in "todo" for the intervention status.
  • Planned_start_date: Enter the expected start date of the intervention.
  • Planned_end_date: Enter the expected date of the end of the intervention.
  • Asset: Enter the codes of the resources on which the operators will have to work.
  • Document: Fill in the code of the form used (here Engine maintenance sheet).
  • Users: Enter the ids of the users who must perform the interventions. These operators willreceive an Ermeo notification, on their applications, to inform them that an intervention has been assigned to them.
  • Client: Fill in the client you are working for.
  • Site address: Enter the address of the site to which the operator must go.
  • Work order number: Fill in the TO number.

Here is the end result in our case:


You can find this file as an attachment to the article.

3. Save your Excel file.

4. Go to the Ermeo platform, in the Interventions tab Click on the Import button.


5. Choose your previously prepared Excel file, then check the correspondence of the different attributes.

6. Click on Next then on Validate.


Congratulations, your work orders are now created. Your operators therefore have work orders assigned to them and will be notified on their Ermeo application.