How to create the corrective Maintenance use case?


1. How to make easier your corrective maintenance?

The use of paper forms can represent an obstacle for the use of the data collected, during your corrective maintenances. Ermeo allows you to organize these corrective maintenance and plan jobs  quickly for assets  with non-conformances.

With the help of Ermeo, your field operator will then have all the necessary information at his disposal to carry out these corrective jobs easily.

2. What is corrective maintenance?

Corrective maintenance is performed by a field operator when a non-conformance is declared open on an asset. To know how to declare an anomaly during preventive maintenance rounds, you can read this article: Preventive maintenance round.

The aim of corrective maintenance is to put asset back into production, and to ensure that the asset has no more default on it.

By facilitating the display of information on the Ermeo application , but also by allowing your operator to feedback the information easily, you will be able to reduce the downtime of your asset and to make corrections quickly on it.

3. How to setup corrective maintenance on Ermeo?

In this article, we will show you the method to use to set up corrective maintenance on Ermeo.

Our example: Imagine an operator needing to perform a corrective maintenance on an asset for which a nonconformity had been reported.

Here are the steps that the operator will perform on his Ermeo form on the app:

1. He will first choose the site in which he is located.


2. He will then obtain information on this site (Name of the site, name of the client, etc.).


3. The form will then open all the non-conformities which are open and linked to this site.


4. The operator will be able to read the descriptions of these non-conformities and inform the corrective actions of this site.


List of steps to be implemented on Ermeo to carry out corrective maintenance rounds:

In the article Preventive maintenance round, we saw how to create the Sites, Pumps and Anomalies  databases. As a reminder, the Anomalies database contains assets that will be described by the following attributes:

  • Construction site / Site (Text)
  • GPS coordinates (GPS coordinates)
  • Corrective (Text)
  • Creation date of the Anomaly (Date)
  • Pick up date (Date)
  • Level of Emergency (Multiple Choice)
  • Description of the Anomaly (Long Text)
  • Identified by (Text)
  • Continued operation (Yes / No)
  • Photo of the anomaly (Image)
  • Status of the anomaly (Multiple Choices)
  • Type of anomaly (Multiple Choices)

It will therefore only be necessary to create the Corrective Maintenance Round form. The form allows you to:

  • 1: Load site information and information related to the job.
  • 2: Load the anomalies linked to the site.

Step 1: Create the form and load the site information

1. Create a new form and name it "Corrective Maintenance Round".


2. Before starting the intervention from the application, the operator will choose the site in which he will work and on which there could be anomalies. This site will be present in the "Sites" database.


3. In the  studio, drag and drop a Section widget  and name it "General Information".

4. Inside this widget, drag and drop a Text widget . Name this widget "Site name". Link this widget with the "Asset name" attribute . Check the options "Allow the modification of a pre-filled value" and "Pre-fill the value in the app". You can hide this widget.


5. Drag and drop a Text widget. Name it "Contact". Link it to the "Customer contact" attribute. Check the options "Allow the modification of a prefilled value" and "Pre-fill the value in the app".

6. Drag and drop an Hour widget.  Name it "Intervention start time". Tick the option "Current time" and choose "12 hours" in the format.

Step 2: Opening of the anomalies declared previously

1.1 Drag and drop an Automatic Selection widget outside of the "Intervention Information" section. Name this widget "Open anomalies".

1.2 In the settings, choose "Anomalies" for the "Database" parameter. Then choose the "Site name" tag for the "Construction site / Site" setting.


2. Drag and drop a Photo widget. Name it the "Photo of the anomaly". Link it to the attribute "Photo of the anomaly".


3. Within the Automatic Selection widget, drag and drop a Text widget. Name it "Description of the anomaly". Link it to the "Description of the anomaly" attribute.


4. Then drag and drop a Text widget. Name it "Corrective Actions / Comments". Link it to the Corrective attribute. The operator will be able to fill the corrective action that he has done during his intervention.


5. Drag and drop a Multiple Choice widget. Name it "Status of the anomaly after the job". Link it to the "Anomaly Status "attribute. The operator can choose the value" Cleared "when the anomaly has been processed.


On the application

1. The operator will choose the site on which he is currently


2. The operator sees information about the intervention.


3. The operator can fill in the corrective actions taken in order to correct the anomaly.


4. Conclusion

You can see how to create preventive maintenance rounds using this article. Using the Ermeo - PowerBI connector, you can establish dashboards, allowing you to have a global view of open non-conformities.
