Get started on Ermeo


Ermeo is a web and mobile solution that allows you to digitize all your operational processes.

Team leaders can manage activities more efficiently and have complete traceability of the operations performed in the field. Operators save time by eliminating low-value tasks.

Many use cases can be accomplished with Ermeo, such as equipment inspection, technical maintenance rounds, and audit management.

In this article, we will explore the initial steps to get started with Ermeo. In the following chapters, we will work on a fictional use case concerning building inspection. Together, let's make Ermeo your indispensable tool for managing your daily data.

Access to the Platform

To log in to the Ermeo web platform:

  1. Go to (FR) or (UK)
  2. Enter your "username".
  3. Then, enter your password.
  4. Click "Log in".

User Management

A user is a person using Ermeo. They can be an administrator, a supervisor, or an operator. Each person is associated with an Ermeo account. For an account to be active, a license must be assigned to it.

What is the difference between a role and a team?

Teams in Ermeo are a group of users with access to the same resources. They define what a user can see on the platform or mobile app. These are conditions on the resources.
Roles are used to determine what a user can do on the platform or mobile app. The role governs all actions such as duplicating a document or deleting a resource.

How to create a team?

  1. Go to the Users section, then click on Teams.
  1. Click on “Manage teams” then on “new team”.
  2. Name the first team: Admin team
  3. Click on “Access rights” to authorize all access rights in this tab.
Prerequisite It is necessary to create a folder named “Inspection” in the “Documents” tab beforehand.
  1. Similarly, create a second team named 'Field team' and grant all access except documents. Add a restriction at the folder level so that only the folder named “Inspection” is allowed.
  • Folders and subfolders organize documents within Ermeo.
  • When a team is allowed to see folder 1, it means they are allowed to see the subfolders in folder 1 and all the documents they include.

How to create a role?

  1. Go to “Users” and select “Roles”.
  2. Click on New role.
  3. Name the new role “Project manager”. Once you have clicked on "Edit role", set the permissions on the platform and the application, then click "Save".
  4. Create a second role named “Technician”.

Now that you have created a team and a role, we will create a user in Ermeo.

How to create a user?

As a supervisor, you will need to create an Ermeo account for the technicians of the “Field team”.

  1. In the Users tab, click on New user.
  2. Fill in the required fields: the user's first name, the user's last name, the user's team, the user's role, the user's email address.
  3. Set the user's username. There are two types of usernames: the username is the user's email address, the username is customized. Make sure the user has a role and at least one team during this setup.

To ensure that this user is active, be sure to assign them a license.

To delete this user if necessary:

  1. Go to the "Active users" section.
  2. Select the user you want to archive and click "Archive" as shown in the image below.
  3. Once the user is archived, you can find them in the "Inactive users" section.

Database Management

What is a database?

Databases define a structure linked to a set of attributes. Generally, not all resources have the same attributes. Once created, databases ensure:

  • The consistency of your data structure.
  • Easier use of search through filters.
  • Restriction of access for your users via viewing rights.

In our case study, we need two different databases:

  • A database for clients.
  • A database for buildings.

Let's first create our first database to list our clients.

Once logged into the platform, click on the Databases tab on the left of your screen, then click on New database.

Similarly, create a second database “Buildings”.

What is an Asset?

A resource can be equipment, a building, a tool, etc. You can define your own resources, characterize them with attributes, and store them in a database.

You can create resources from your interventions, using imports (for mass creation), via the API, or manually one by one on the platform. These resources can be updated during your interventions or modified at your discretion over time.

In our case, we will create resources in the “Clients” database and the “Buildings” database.

  1. In the “Clients” database, click on the resources tab.
  2. Click on "new resource" and create the following three resources one by one:
  • Client A
  • Client B
  • Client C
  1. Using the same method, create two resources in the “Buildings” database:
  • Building 1
  • Building 2
  • Building 3

It is possible to update an asset or completely delete it from the platform.

What is an attribute?

Attributes allow you to characterize your resources. They can be data of all types (numeric, text, images, etc.).

In our example, we will characterize clients by their contact name and buildings by their city.

  • In the “clients” database:
  1. Go to the Databases tab, then click on the "Clients" database.
  2. Click on the "Attributes” tab, then click on "Create a new attribute".
  3. Type the name "contact name", choose "Text" as the attribute type.
  4. Finally, click on "Create attribute".
  5. Create a second attribute of type “number” and name it “phone number”.
  • In the “Buildings” database:
  1. Go to the Databases tab, then click on the "Buildings" database.
  2. Click on the "Attributes” tab, then click on "Create a new attribute".
  3. Type the name "city", choose "Text" as the attribute type.
  4. Finally, click on "Create attribute".
Note The concept of attributes also exists at the level of forms and interventions.

Form Management

What is a document?

There are three types of documents in Ermeo:

  • Forms: Forms are at the heart of the Ermeo solution. You can create your forms from the "Documents" tab. These forms will be composed of blocks present in your editing studio. You can thus transcribe your paper form into a digital form. Once the form is published, the data can be filled in by an operator.
  • Templates: Templates are "templates" of forms that can be included in other forms. If all your forms start with the same questions (information about the operator, for example), then you can create a template. Once created, this template can be inserted into your different forms. If a change is made in a template, then this change will be present in all forms.
  • PDFs: You can integrate your PDFs directly on the Ermeo platform. These PDFs can then be used in your forms. For example, you can integrate user manuals to give instructions to your operators.

To digitize our building inspection, we will create an Ermeo form.

  1. Go to the “Documents” tab.
  2. Click on “New document” at the top right of the screen.
  3. Name the form “Building Inspection”.
  4. Click on “Create document”.

What is the editing studio?

The editing studio is an intuitive interface that allows you to easily transform and simplify procedures into interactive and collaborative digital forms. It allows you to create technical documentation dynamically using configurable blocks and display conditions.

How to configure the form?

Forms can be built with varying levels of complexity for your operators. Let's start with something simple.

  1. Drag and drop a text task and name it "Operator name".
  2. Drag and drop a text task and name it "Client name".
  3. Drag and drop a text task and name it "City".
  4. Drag and drop an automatic section and name it "List of buildings". This task will allow you to use the resources you have already created in the form.
  5. Go to the settings of this automatic section, then select "database" as "Buildings" (this

is the database you created in the previous steps). This feature allows you to link your form data with the data contained in your database. 6. Check "allow value editing and pre-filling". 7. Drag and drop a date task into the automatic selection and name it "Intervention date".

Finally, drag and drop a "Finish and send" task.

Once the form configuration is complete, you can preview the final result of your form, test it, and review it via the preview. After making any necessary changes, if you decide to publish this version, the form will be instantly accessible to users on their mobile app.

Intervention Management

What is an intervention?

An intervention is a series of actions performed by your operator. These actions are transcribed in a form. The transcribed data can be numbers, text, times, etc. The actions performed by your operator can be measurements, anomaly declarations, etc. The operator thus works on his mobile application, following the instructions in the form.

How to schedule an intervention?

What is a report?

A report is a document that gathers all the data related to an intervention. The report can contain data filled in by the operator via the mobile app or information about the mission, such as the time and place of the mission.

You can choose to download this report in Ermeo format or in a customized format. To use this second option, you need to import your customized template once you have built your form in the design studio. Here is a complete article on this feature: create custom reports.

By selecting this task, the operator officially completes the intervention. The final version of the report will then be generated and sent to the chosen recipient by email. The report can also be exported directly from the platform.