General questions about the reports

  • How is the name of a report exported in PDF format constructed?

The report name will have the following template format: Year_Month_Day_Time_Intervention_Resource_Form_Name.pdf For all interventions planned before 20 December 2019, the time of the intervention will not be included in the report name. The name of a report cannot be modified or personalized.

  • Is there a report for each intervention?

Ermeo automatically generates a report at the end of each job. If no customized report is associated with the job form, the report will be automatically exported using the Ermeo template. It is not mandatory to have the ‘Finish and send’ brick to create reports. This brick is useful for automatically transferring reports to a person at the end of each job.

  • Can I send a single report to different users?

Yes, you can send a single report to different users. In the email settings, the users' email addresses must be separated by the “;” character. The email addresses must all exist and be valid. If an email address does not exist, the Finish and Send brick will not work, as sending emails will fail.

  • Is it possible to modify the report of a completed job?

No, it is not possible to modify the report of a completed job.

  • When a report is in ‘Archived’ status, is it deleted from the databases?

No, the report is not deleted from the databases even if the status of the report is ‘Archived’. The report will still be available via the API.

  • What are the report status?

In progress: The report is being created. The action associated with the report is currently in progress or paused.

Done: The report can be retrieved. It is finished because the associated task has been completed.

Archived: The task associated with the report has been deleted. The operator may have deleted this report (by clicking on ‘Restart intervention’). The task may have been deleted by the administrator via the platform. If the report is archived (equivalent to deleted), then the data in this report cannot be retrieved via the platform.