General questions about the importations


During an import (resources or interventions), using an Excel file, the import is done from the top of the file to the bottom. First line 1 of the file is imported, then line 2, then line 3 and so on.

Example: I'm using an Excel file to import 100 items of equipment. My Excel file will therefore consist of 100 lines (not including headers). If my import stops at 90%, this means that all the lines between lines 1 and 90 (inclusive) have been imported. The last 10 lines have not been imported.
  • If my import fails, can I have more information?

If an import fails, you need to download the error file to view the errors. By hovering the mouse over the code column in red, a detailed error message is displayed.

  • Hover the mouse over the first ‘Code’ column.

Here, the message ‘Wrong users’ appears. This means that there is an error in the Users column.

  • Can I stop an import in progress?

You cannot stop an import in progress. It cannot be cancelled.

  • Can I import an Excel or Word file to create a form?

No, it is not possible to import these types of files to recreate a form directly.

  • Can images be imported as resource attributes?

No, it is not possible to import images as resource attributes.

  • If I import interventions, which columns do I need in my Excel file?

The table below describes the conditions necessary for successful import into ermeo:

Présence de la valeur
Informations complémentaires
Mandatory if intervention update / Optional if intervention creation
How do I get existing codes? Export the interventions that you want to update to retrieve their code (intervention tab, select by checking the interventions to update, click on action, click on export, click on download) the 1st column of the XLS table contains the codes of your interventions
The title of your intervention
Type "todo" for a planned intervention
Accepted format: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm
Accepted format: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm
Enter the code of the resource on which you want the intervention to be carried out. To obtain this code, you can export your assets
Enter the code of the document with which you want the intervention to be carried out. To obtain this code, you can export your documents
Enter the username of the user to whom you want to assign the intervention. The username is the login with which the user logs in. If there are several users, separate the usernames with ";"
Import scheduling is done by user only. This column is therefore optional in the import file.