Export several reports in PDF format


It is useful to export PDF reports into a ZIP file if you want to retrieve all of your reports in one folder.The reports, generated with the Ermeo template, will then be viewable in PDF format.

1. What are PDF reports?

Ermeo automatically generates a report for each intervention performed. The report is generated whether the intervention is carried out on the mobile app, the web app, or in preview mode.

2. What is the Ermeo template?

The Ermeo template, also called the Ermeo Template, is the standard format for reports generated by Ermeo. You can view reports in this format in the "Reports" tab.Even in the absence of a

custom report template

, a report is therefore generated at the end of your interventions. Custom reports allow you to create your own PDFs (by converting your Excel and Word files to a PDF file).


3. In practice, how to export report values?

  1. Go to the Interventions tab and select the interventions for which you want to export the reports.
  2. Click Export Reports and choose the report formats.
  3. Go to the Imports/Exports section, then click Download.
  4. Click on the downloaded ZIP file. This will contain all of your PDF reports.
  • It is only possible to export up to 100 reports into a single ZIP folder.
  • It is not possible to modify the report of a completed intervention.
  • It is possible to export PDF reports directly from a Google Drive or Sharepoint using an API connection.
  • The names of the reports have the following format: Year_Month_Day_Hour_InterventionName_FormName_Equipment.pdf
  • If no custom report is associated with the intervention form, the report will automatically be exported with the Ermeo template.
  • It is not mandatory to have the "Finish and Send" brick to create reports. This brick is useful for automatically transferring reports at the end of each intervention.