Display assets as a table


In order to improve the user experience of your field operators, certain bricks can be displayed in table form.

In this article, you will discover how to display the Repeatable Section and Databases bricks in tabular form.


1. How to display bricks in table format ?

The following bricks can be displayed in table format: Repeatable Section, Manual Selection, Automatic Selection, Creation and Preselection.

  1. Create a form and then drag and drop a Repeatable Section brick.
  2. Drag and drop several bricks into your Repeatable Section brick. Name them (in our case, Equipment and Quantity).
  3. Check the ‘Display in table format’ option on the Repeatable Section brick.
  1. Preview the form
  2. Fill in the various elements of the table

It works in exactly the same way for the Creation, Manual Selection, Automatic Selection and Preselection bricks.

Limitation If the ‘Display in table format’ option is activated, it is not possible to have a maximum number of iterations (i.e. rows) greater than 30.