Customize the job list view


Ermeo allows you to customize the display format of jobs, on your operators' devices. You will thus be able to highlight certain information for your operators.


1. How to customize the display of jobs list on the application?

Prerequisite To custom the display of the jobs list, it's mandatory to activate the permission "Display the customization page of the job lists" and "Update the display of the job lists"

1. Click on the Jobs tab, then on "List customization".

2. You can choose to display or not:

  • The title of the job
  • The date of the job
  • The main asset of the job

On the right, the preview allows you to see the result on the application, within the different tabs (Scheduled, Paused, Completed).


3. You can then choose the job attribute value(s) you wish to display within the list. It is also possible to rename the attribute. The new name given will be visible on the application.


By adding the standard fields and the custom fields, it is not possible to have more than 10 selected fields.

4. Once your modifications are done, you can click into "Enable" then "Publish".


5. Once published, you can see the new display of your jobs list on the mobile app.
