Create multilingual forms


It is useful to create multilingual forms if your operators come from different countries.

Whether if they are french or English speakers, operators will understand the information appearing on the forms.

1. What is multilingual forms?

This functionality allows you to create a form and decline it in several different languages.

The form will have the same layout regardless of the language used by the operator.

The activation of this option is on the home page of your form.

You will then have to define a default language and the languages that must be activated (currently, French and English are available).

On your form, you must edit your form using the language at the top right. Please note, the changes relating to the layout of the widgets are only made on the form associated with the default language.


The form associated with the default language is taken as the reference form.

2. In practice, how do you create a multilingual form ?

Context : Imagine a company having to inspect rails located within the Channel Tunnel. The operators can be French-speaking or English-speaking.

Only one form should be used. Operators, whether French or English, operate on the same asset and perform the same interventions .

The multilingual form created will contain two widgets :

  • An Evaluation widget to note the condition of the rail checked.
  • A Text widget for the operator to add comments.

1. In the Documents tab, click on "New Document". Enter a name for your new form (for example: "Multilanguage Form").

2. Click on "Languages" then on "Modify options" '.

3. Select a default language (in our case "French").

4. Check the languages that must have a version of the form (in our case French and English).

5. Click on "Edit form".


6. Drag and drop an Evaluation widget. Name the "Rail State" in French.

7. Click on the top right on "English" then name the brick "State of the track".

8. Come back to the French version. Drag and drop a Text widget. Name it "Comments"

9. Click on the top right on "English" then name the brick "Comments".

10. You can compare your two versions of forms.


11. Publish the form  and launch an intervention from the mobile application.

12. You can then choose in which language to perform the intervention.

3. Translate document and folder names

To translate the name of a folder, just:

1. Click on the folder.

2. Then click on "Translate the title of a folder".

3. Then choose the default language (here english).

4. You can then fill in the title of the translated folder.


To translate the name of a document, :

1. Click into Settings .

2. You can then select the default language (here French) and the available languages.

3. Then click on "Translate the title of a document".

4. You can then enter the title of the translated document.


4. Translate Multiple Choice options

To translate multiple choice options, just

1. Go to the Attributes tab within the Databases section.

2. You can then click on the desired Multiple Choice type attribute.

3. Select a language. You can then assign labels for each of the Multiple Choice attribute options.


You can also publish the form in the language needed. Nevertheless, the default language will be selected.


When you use the Finish and Send widget in a multilingual form, you can choose the language in which the report will be send.


You can also export the report in the needed language.

  • The languages available are: French and English.
  • All the actions of the publishing studio are saved automatically
  • If this option is not available on your ermeo space, please contact your account manager.
  • multilingual template cannot be converted to a section.
  • It is not possible to duplicate a multilingual form.