Create association rules


Association rules can be used to link documents and resources. In this way, your operators working on a resource can be offered a list of forms adapted to the resource in question.

An association rule can be used to link documents and resources. In this way, on your mobile application, you can launch an intervention from a resource. You can associate a resource with a particular document. The association can be automatic or manual. In the case of automatic association, we talk about association rules.

It is not possible to associate a resource with a user.

1. Automatic association

An automatic association must be defined in the "Databases" section. Click on the Association Rules tab.

The criteria for documents can be based on the attributes of the document or the document file.

The criteria for equipment can be based on the attributes of the resource or the parent resource.

2. Manual association

A manual association must be defined directly from the resource or document concerned by this association.

For a resource, simply go to the resource page and select the document to be linked.

For a document, simply go to the document page and select the resource to be linked.

You can also link several resources to a document.


3. How to create documents/assets association rules?

Thanks to the association rules between documents and assets, you can configure rules allowing you to automatically associate documents with certain types of assets, according to document attributes and asset attributes.

Example: All the equipment whose "Family" = Boiler and "Type of energy_asset" = Gas are associated with the Documents whose asset concerned = Boiler and Type of energy_doc = Gas:

Thus, the operator, on his app, will have a 360 ° view of his fleet since he will see all of his asset and their associated documents.

  • Each attribute must have a unique name, even if it does not have the same typology (Document, asset, Intervention or User). Thus, if an attribute is common between several libraries, for example Documents and assets, it is advisable to put different names.
  • Make sure that the association rules are consistent so as not to have conflicts in the rules.
Limitation For the moment, the association rules do not work when the offline mode is activated.