Create an asset


1. Why create a resource from the platform?

You can create a resource manually in order to feed your databases directly from the platform.

2. What is a resource?

A resource is a broad sense asset. A resource can be an object, an engine, a construction site, a building.

These resources are stored within databases. For each database, attributes are defined. These attributes will allow to characterize the resources present in the databases.

There are different ways to create a resource:

  • During an intervention, with the creation widget.
  • By importing resources in bulk using an import file.
  • Manually, by creating them one by one on the platform (which we see in this article).
  • Using a script via API

3. In practice, how to create a new resource?

Context: Let's imagine a company wanting to create a new engine, in its "Engines" database. This engine will be named "Engine 45".

The Engine 45 must have the following characteristics:

  • No defined parent resource
  • The resource is part of the Engines database.
  • The engine has a "Power" attribute with a value of 300 W.
  • The engine has a "Brand" attribute with the value "Kinn Mota".
  1. In the Databases tab, enter the Engines database. Click on Create a resource.
  2. Name your resource. In our case "Engine 45".
  3. We do not choose a parent resource.
  4. Fill in the attributes that appear with the following values:
  • "Kinn Mota" for the Brand.
  • "300" for Power.
  1. Click on Create. Your resource is now present in the Engines database.

4. How to filter resources?

In order to find your resources more easily, you can filter resources using the filter tool.

To go further
  • It is often more useful to do resource imports in order to import resources in bulk.
  • It is possible to duplicate a resource on the platform or the mobile application.
  • Resources created in form previews are not counted in the databases.